Karabhari Motions Co-operative Film Chamber Associations

The National Film Institute, registered by the Government of India with the aim of bringing new faces, new talents and underprivileged talents to the mainstream in the nationwide film industry, is a national film institute that was established to produce PAN INDIA MOVIE multilingual films in the co-operative film making system as per the government’s partnership norms.
State Presidents from all states of the country
And from all district taluks across India the process of appointing
District Presidents is underway
Enthusiastic people who can faithfully carry out the work of the organization are invited
Those who want to be elected as District President
🔴District President
🔴District Vice President
🔴District Secretary
🔴District Joint Secretary
🔴District Organizing Secretary
These five people should be contacted with the details of the district team
After the district team, the district team should later form a taluk-wise team of the respective district
The membership of the organization should be increased in each district,
Works carried out by our National Film Institute
🔴Film Origination
🔴Pan India Movie Originatiin
🔴 State and Regional Language Movie Originatiin
🔴Share holding flim Making
🔴All Type Flim Production
🔴 All India Flim Certifications
🔴Talent Certification
🔴 Flim Organization
🔴Flim making finance Organization
🔴Film Awards
🔴Film related course
🔴 Collaboration with International Film Teams
🔴 Film Council
🔴Flim Studio
🔴Film theatre
🔴Music production
🔴 Cinematography
🔴 Children’s Acting Course and talent certification
🔴Short film certification
🔴 Modeling course
🔴 Beauty contest
🔴 Modeling contest
🔴 Banking for Films Org.
🔴 Film Training Course
🔴 Acting Training Course
And Much More
National President
Ra De Karbhari